Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My advice...SOW GOOD SEEDS

Times are Changing, men and women are opting to remain single. Their are more single parent homes than ever. What once used to be the norm is now reversed. People who were not able to afford homes, are homeowners and the ones who could afford their homes are foreclosing. Gas prices are horrible, so people are opting to ride public transportation. I've seen more motorcycles  and mopeds on the roads now. It used to take one income to satisfy a family, now people have to have at least 2 jobs to make ends meet. Times are changing. The lines are being drawn. The middle class family is being eradicated. There are only the Rich and the Poor.  Yes, Times are Changing.
But, there is only one thing that you can count on that will never change, and that is God's Word. He'll never leave us or forsake us. He has left His peace, not as the world giveth, its His Peace. So let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid, because in due season, you shall reap (whatsoever you sowed) in due season. My advice...SOW GOOD SEEDS!!!!!! Because you will reap what you sow!

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